Quick View: A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom & Justice
Use this ‘cheat sheet’ to guide your reading into the amazing 85 pp document from the Movement for Black Lives.
Also, check out Disability Solidarity: Completing the “Vision for Black Lives” a criticism of the platform by Black disability thinkers and activists.
~a quick view
of the demands~
Created by Nikki Pyle
- End the War on Black People
- Call of an end to violence/militarized state
- Through disinvestment in privatized prisons (economically)
- Demilitarizing police (socially)
- Call of an end to violence/militarized state
- Decriminalize “blackness” (Politically)
- End violence against gender nonconformity
- End dehumanization of Black youth
- Concern for the future of Black youth
- Punitive nature of justice system for Black youth
- School to prison pipeline
- Gender based violence- young Black girls in juvenile justice system
- Reparations
- Access to education
- Livable income
- Access to survival needs: food, housing, land
- Demands in education/curriculums acknowledging history of colonialism
- Address impact of slavery, promptly (through reallocation of resources)
- Investment in education, health, and safety of Black people/ Divest from exploitative forces
- Divest from policing à invest in education, restorative justice programs and employment programs
- Divest from criminalization of prostitution and drugs à invest in mental health services, job programs, other social programs for this demographic
- Investment in education, health, and safety of Black people/ Divest from exploitative forces
- Invest in equitable universal health care & in fully funded education
- Divest from military expenditures & from multinational use of fossil fuels
- Economic Justice: Legislation
- Restructure tax code to ensure radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth
- Federal/state/alternative institutions àfunding for specifically Black communities
- Protections for workers
- Political distribution of resources, e.g. land, water, etc.
- Community Control
- Those “most impacted” in Black communities control the laws, institutions, and policies that are meant to serve Black folks
- End privatization of education
- Participatory budgeting (community control over budget and revenue divisions)
- Political Power
- Independent Black political power and Black self-determination in all areas of society à effectively exercising full political power
- End super PACs
- Full access voting/ full access to technology
- Increased funding for Black institutions
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