Holding Space
I talk, interact and have relationships with white people and I am learning to relate better to their challenge regarding the subject of race.
I talk, interact and have relationships with white people and I am learning to relate better to their challenge regarding the subject of race.
This week, I went to the theater to see Origin, the new movie directed by Ava duVernay, based on the book Caste by Isabel Wilkerson. The film follows Wilkerson as she develops her theory of the parallels between racism in the U.S., the subjugation of the Dalits at the bottom of India’s caste …
By Z On this eve of the coming New Year, I hope we will all take a few minutes to reflect on our relationship with Race. How many times during the last year did you challenge some racist thought or action in someone else? How many times during the last …
This is a list of resources and poems that came out of our Oct. 26 dialog on this topic. The film “Gaza Fights for Freedom” is available free on YouTube. Made in 2018, it gives an incredible insight into the situation in Gaza 5 years ago and goes a long …
I am the grandchild of Russian Jewish immigrants. Thanks to my maternal grandfather’s memoir, I know that he survived the violent anti-Jewish pogroms in Ryzhanovka, County of Zvenigorodka, in the State of Kiev, in Ukraine, and eventually escaped to America. I come from a story of first generation immigrant parents. …
By Christopher Bowers Dear White Parents of White Children- As fall approaches and those of us with school-aged children are getting ready for the new school year. And some of us, especially with kids just entering school, are trying to decide which school is best for our child. There are …
A friend recently gifted my partner and me with an historical novel that just came out, written by a Southern white woman, Barbara Small: Faith’s Reckoning. It gripped me, touched me to tears several times, educated me. And left me wanting to recommend it highly to all my white, anti-racist …
by Z As I delved into discovering the exact perspective of Dr. Meeks on how to start to heal racism, I came across her blog called A FEW SHADES BRAVER BLOG. Here I found a wealth of wisdom and common sense with some essays that especially struck me. In response …
Review by Adrienne Lauby This is a simple little book on the face of it, 159 pages which describe the return to a hometown and home reservation in a format similar to a diary. But, this narrator sets out to capture the truth of a contemporary indigenous (Cree) queer life, …
Dearest RJA Organizing Committee,This is a love letter. I’ve been wanting to share my feelings with you all for a while now. Our shared values and commitment to uplifting racial justice and human dignity and equality against a tidal wave of white supremacy, racial injustice, discrimination and systemic oppression are …