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Dismantling White Supremacy

We sincerely hope so

In opening our recent organizing committee meeting, we each wrote a word or phrase that related to the work we do with Racial Justice Allies. “Relationism (instead of individualism.” “Courage (not to be confused with testicles).”  “Clarify the Issue before the Action.” “What’s the Point?” “ACTION—it’s OK to be embarrassed.” …

White Victim Charade on Parade

A reader brought a provocative post on white supremacist media campaigns to our attention–“White Victim on Parade” by Mike King, an Assistant Professor at SUNY-Oneonta. The seriousness of the misinformation being circulated is demonstrated by the assertion that “60% of working–class white Americans feel that racial discrimination against whites is …

Schooled in Whiteness

Recently I had an opportunity to sit in on a class at Santa Rosa Junior College where the speaker was Steve Martinot and the topic was “How Race Was Created and Became Part of Our Institutions.” One of my big takeaways from this talk was the concept that “the construction …

Colored Man

Enjoy this non-white response to racialization that exposes the absurdity of oppressive language. The poem is included in Eduardo Galeano’s latest book, Children of the Days. Colored Man Beloved white brother: When I was born, I was black. When I grew up, I was black. When I am in the …

Knee-Jerk Separation

The Supreme Court overturned basic enforcement for the Voting Rights Act.  The next day it allowed queers to marry in California and share benefits like pensions if they were married in a state where it is legal. Mia Mingus talked about the reaction to these decisions on Facebook:  “i keep …