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Anti-Racist Work

All Power to the People

by  Judy Helfand I went to the Black Panther Party 47th Reunion on Saturday to hear the women’s panel at noon and ended up staying the whole day. When the Panthers formed in 1967 I was graduating from UC Berkeley and connected up through my partner and close friends with …

Grieving for Trayvon All Over Again

Taquiena Boston writes that the “criminalization of youth and young adult males of color is a mindset that has been linked to institutional racism and white supremacy–a mindset that frames youth of color as criminal and dangerous. How do we transcend this negative frame and see the humanity of our …

Support Prison Hunger Strikers

Racial Justice Allies urges you to consider taking a pledge to support the hunger strikers in California State Prisons who are protesting the continued use of long term solitary confinement.  Read the letter below and find further information here. From the Prisoner Hunger Strike Solidarity coalition in the Bay Area. …

White Gas

A couple of weeks ago we had an impromptu gathering at our home with a group of friends from Nepal. They are quite a bit younger than myself and are always ready at a moments notice to party with friends.  This usually includes a combination of beer and musical instruments …

Knee-Jerk Separation

The Supreme Court overturned basic enforcement for the Voting Rights Act.  The next day it allowed queers to marry in California and share benefits like pensions if they were married in a state where it is legal. Mia Mingus talked about the reaction to these decisions on Facebook:  “i keep …