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Anti-Racist Work

Segregation Patterns In Santa Rosa Schools

A Five-Part Series by Bianca Licata Part One: White/Hispanic Segregation in Sonoma County Schools Part Two: No Child Left Behind Damages English Language Learners Programs Part Three:  Current Struggles for English Language Learners Part Four:  Teaching English Language Learners: History and Tensions Part Five:  A Mother’s “Dilemma” and School Segregation …

POLICE VIOLENCE: Comparison Statistics

In an effort to provide a context of facts for discussions on police violence in the United States, we gathered the following statistics, comparing four, industrialized, Western nations. We added information on the danger of various jobs, as we so often hear about the dangers police officers face on a …

Baby Steps for Change

Recently for the organizing committee meeting we read 4 Ways to Push Back Against Your Privilege by Mia McKenzie.  One statement that rang true for me was “The truth is that acknowledging your privilege means a whole lot of nothing much if you don’t do anything to actively push back …

Reflections After Viewing Hoodwinked

Reflections after the RJA meeting and movie, “Hoodwinked” on May 12 by Jenny Blaker (At our May 12 dialog, Racial Justice Allies showed the film Hoodwinked by James Morton, which examines the statistics that the media, government and special interests use to  reinforce a message that the peoples of African …

Accomplices Not Allies

Much buzz lately on what defines an “ally.” Below are my thoughts after reading “Accomplices Not Allies” which is posted on Indigenous Action Media. Just read the article Accomplices Not Allies on the ally-industrial complex. I’m with the writer—but for probably different reasons. “Ally” has been imbued with so much …

Where Does the Truth Lie?

by “Z” Yesterday I received an email from Justice for Andy Lopez coalition regarding the suspension of 24 Cook Junior High School Students in Santa Rosa for participation in a demonstration for the 6 month anniversary of the murder of Andy Lopez.  The facts as stated were as follows: Students …


by Judy Helfand I teach a course on American Cultures at a community college where the topic last week was socioeconomic class. Through various experiential activities followed by presentations of graphs and statistics, we’d explored the latest information on distribution of income and wealth across America. All of it rather …

Racism in the Criminal Justice System

African Americans comprise only 12.6% of the population yet they are 37.1% of the prison inmates.  This infographic illustrates why their is such a big difference– because at every turn in the criminal justice system, African-Americans are treated harsher than white people. This website post is the best we’ve ever …