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Anti-Racist Work

Smashed Up

This article first appeared on the East Bay Solidarity Network site. Thanks to Solidarity members for permission to republish. Young service workers on the sanctity of small business. It was the first Friday of December, which in Oakland usually means hoards of people descending onto Telegraph Avenue for the monthly …

Current Struggles for English Language Learners

by Bianca Licata Third in a Five-Part Series. As described in Part Two of this series, “Teaching English Language Learners: History and Tensions,” by the 21st century the highly effective programs for English Language Learners (ELLs) had been largely dismantled.  Students were left with a “hegemonic, English-only, homogenized curriculum… propagated …

White/Hispanic Segregation in Sonoma County Schools

by Bianca Licata Fifth in a Five-Part Series. The combination of anti-immigrant attitudes and policies, the dismantling of programs for English Language Learners, and the demands of No Child Left Behind into the context of Sonoma County’s demographics, where 42 percent of students are identified as Latino, and 22 percent …