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Anti-Racist Work

The Case for Humility

The Case for Humility by Wendy Millstine I had the privilege of hearing activist and author DeRay McKesson speak on his new book, On the Other Side of Freedom: The Case for Hope. He spoke from a place of personal life stories, on-the-ground activist experience, and strategies for keeping up …

Second Thoughts on Sense8

by Judy Helfand A friend offered us an evening of respite from dealing with the aftermaths of the fire—come over and do our laundry, take a good, long hot shower, eat turkey soup, and watch Netflix. Taking her up on it we arrived with our dirty clothes, shampoo, appetite and …

From #BLACKLIVES MATTER to Black Liberation

Review by Judy Helfand In From #BLACKLIVES MATTER to Black Liberation Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor complicates and disturbs many of the current understandings of racism, racial history, and whiteness in the U.S., especially as these understandings are applied to organizing for freedom and justice for Black people. In the process she provides …

[VIDEO] Dialog Report Back: Bayo Akomolafe

“What if our response to the crisis is part of the crisis?”- Bayo Akomolafe Bayo Akomolafe is globally recognized for his poetic, unconventional, counterintuitive take on global crisis, civic action and social change. He is the Coordinating Curator for The Emergence Network, and host of the online course, “We will …

Dialog Report Back: Reverse Racism? NOT!

Racial Justice Allie’s April dialog was on the topic of Reverse Racism. Below you’ll find the agenda, notes from the facilitators, and some of the outcome of group discussions. Also, a list of resources for exploring the topic of reverse racism.  Lillie Dignan and Wendy Millstine facilitated this dialog.   …

Dialog on Immigrant Rights Report Back

Be the Resistance: White people Showing up for Immigrant Rights March 15 dialog Opening:  Talked in pairs about what we would have to put in place to take care of things if we suddenly were removed from our family. Communal responses were: Get kids’ passports, sign guardianship documents Find a …

Is Free Speech an Absolute?

The day after the protests against Milo Yiannopolous speaking at U.C. Berkeley, a colleague wrote that the Berkeley “riot” demonstrated the need for non-violence training on college campuses as a way to contain those who believe property destruction is an effective political tactic (in this case, Black Bloc revolutionary anarchists). …