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Dialog Report Back: Reverse Racism? NOT!

Racial Justice Allie’s April dialog was on the topic of Reverse Racism. Below you’ll find the agenda, notes from the facilitators, and some of the outcome of group discussions. Also, a list of resources for exploring the topic of reverse racism.  Lillie Dignan and Wendy Millstine facilitated this dialog.   …

Dialog on Immigrant Rights Report Back

Be the Resistance: White people Showing up for Immigrant Rights March 15 dialog Opening:  Talked in pairs about what we would have to put in place to take care of things if we suddenly were removed from our family. Communal responses were: Get kids’ passports, sign guardianship documents Find a …

The Fire This Time: Read This Book

Book review by Judy Helfand I am writing about the Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks about Race, edited by Jesmyn Ward, because I want folks to read it. But I barely know what to say. When I finished “Message to My Daughters” by Edwidge Danticat, the final essay …

Is Free Speech an Absolute?

The day after the protests against Milo Yiannopolous speaking at U.C. Berkeley, a colleague wrote that the Berkeley “riot” demonstrated the need for non-violence training on college campuses as a way to contain those who believe property destruction is an effective political tactic (in this case, Black Bloc revolutionary anarchists). …

As a White Mother of Black Sons

by Kate Riffle Roper As a white mother of two black children, three white children, who all have a white father, I have something to say. Racism exists. It is real. And it is everywhere, all the time. When I brought my boys home they were the cutest, sweetest babies …

Balm for Trying Times

by Judy Helfand Recently various friends have asked me if I’m scared about the upcoming presidential election, which prompted some self-reflection as to why I’m not. There’s nothing surprising to me about the outpouring of hate and racial invective. Trump does not seem like the devil incarnate, simply another manifestation …

Grief and Re-Membering:

The Spirituality of Confronting Privilege, Entitlement, and Cultural Appropriation by Christopher Bowers Grief and Re-Membering: The Spirituality of Confronting Privilege, Entitlement, and Cultural Appropriation was originally published at Satya Lightworks | Rekindling Ancient Wisdom I live in a beautiful, affluent little town infused with the legacy of 60s-era hippie activism …